Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bold Berlin in the Winter Months

Peter and I spent a long Thanksgiving weekend in Berlin. It was fun to eat turkey with our niece and nephew and their respective families. Small world to have two relatives living there.

Berlin is a contrast to Tirana. Duh! The weather for starters was gray, drizzle and cold....but the abundant Christmas lights, the colorful graffiti and hearty German meals, warmed us right up.

The following are just a few photos of the city.

This is the wall surrounding an old cemetary

Corner store

You tell me how anyone could do this graffiti!

Elementary school

Can you see the graffiti on this building?
These pink pipes decorate the entire city. They carry water out of the city as Berlin was built on a swamp.
 Typical Berlin, rather than bury them underground, paint them bright pink and turn them into a visual!

There were huge Christmas lit displays at every major plaza (platz) in the city.

Being someone who loves how countries depict the nativity scene, this is the German version 10x large. There are 4 candles on the bottom, one for each Sunday in advent and when you light the candles, the heat turns the fan at the top and the nativity scenes revolve as a merry-go-round. Of course I bought a smaller version for my collection.

Modern architecture is everywhere as are multiple cranes ready to build the next structure. It has a quality of elegance.

Food of Distinction...
Get ready for potatoes, schnitzel
and heavy food for a hearty party!
Our son, Will says these are the best kabobs in the world!

This was a fast food restaurant with 20 of these baskets of fresh herbs as decoration.

Wonderful middle eastern food, displayed in a classy style


Finally the past, the dark years
      from 1933 to 1945

     This was a photo of the union workers, their union broken, joining the Nazi party salute except for one lone member.
                                             This was in the photo exhibit.
                                             These were the various badges
                                             you wore depending on your
                                             "crime" such as labelled gay,
                                             gypsy or any number of other
                                             flimsy distinctions.
The wall

This is a short commentary on Berlin but may give you a slice of the city. We would recommend a visit.

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